Here’s what I just sent our Kickstarter pledge class:
This just in from Kickstarter: As of a few hours ago, We have successfully funded the “I’ve Written a Fracking Novel!” campaign!
In all, 75 funders (including E.B.’s husband, who doesn’t believe in leaving personal info online but sent a check for $50 anyway), helped us raise $5,353. That’s well over the $4,500 we set as a goal. The per-pledge numbers were Big Papi-worthy, tripling Kickstarter’s average. That means you are beyond generous (thank you, most notably, Mary and Dick!).
The funders included family, friends, neighbors in both Miami and Rappahannock, co-workers, skeptics, fractivists, pro-frackers and complete surprises. A special bark-out to Pippin, the lone canine contributor.
Let me thank all you Mother Frackers!
And here’s a twist with a hint of Hollywood: Through a sublime happenstance, I’ve been Tweeting with Falcon Crest cast member Morgan Fairchild. Beyond the OMGs that garnered, here’s the deal: She’s an anti-fracking activist and founder of the Environmental Communication Center for the entertainment industry! We happen to share February 3 as a birthday! (Thank you, Lynn, for the fortuitous connection).
So … thanks again … stay tuned for your survey … and know that you are all Members in Good Standing of Team Mother Fracker!