Hey, I’m still grooving on all the kind birthday wishes yesterday. As someone said last night: You only turn 60 once.
Feb. 3 (the day the music died, 55 years ago) also matched up with an important date for my ongoing work on the Tip Tyler series of novels set in Rappahannock County, Va. I finished the first 73 pages & first 25,000 words of Part One of Along Came a Cider. That’s the working title of the second in the series about the “gentleman watchdog” and his posse of friends and family living in what we call the jewel of Virginia.
Mother Fracker explored the threat fracking poses on the American countryside. The reviews have been kind. And I love that so many of you have urged me to keep ’em coming. I’m looking forward to a radio interview next week and to my first appearance at the author’s podium at Books & Books in Coral Gables on Friday, Feb. 21. BTW, if you haven’t read Mother Fracker yet, send me an email @ lbudmeyer@gmail.com and I’ll share a special Birthday Promo Code with you so you can get it at a true discount (besting Amazon, BTW).
Each new book in the Tip Tyler series will visit a new environmental threat on the good people of Rappahannock. Wanna guess what the threat in Along Came a Cider might be?
It’s fun creating new characters. It’s time I introduced some of them to you!
So as a belated birthday gift from me to you, here are the first few lines of Along Came a Cider. I won’t give away the plot, but he’s a hedge fund dude, she’s a brainy Midwestern blonde and they were Friends With Benefits at a yet-to-be-revealed Ivy League school. Enjoy!
“Just slow DOWN!”
“And deny me all my fun?” Drew Anson-Webb teased, speaking via Bluetooth as his 2015 Tesla S Model crunched through the scalloping turns.
Whitney Mackle heard the elation in his voice and smiled. The joy had gone missing lately during what Drew had taken to calling “my recent events.” Seated at her desk in the Monsanto lab in suburban St. Louis, Whitney’s middle monitor streamed the dizzying scenery via a high-definition dash mount. Drew took the next curve at thrice the prescribed speed.
She started to protest again when he cut her off.
“Whit, I’ve got this rockin’ greenmobile, got my tuneage, got the gorgeous views of Rappahannock County from my boyhood and my BFF taking it all in with me!” he said, shouting.
Marcus Mumford and mates played on their shared Pandora stream.
I will wait/I will wait for you …
Her heart skipped.
“And I’ve got friggin’ vertigo!” she giggled. “Drewster, all I see is a blur of rocks and trees going 60 in the other direction!”